The Elite Ladies Pleasure Parlour or Parlor?

Perhaps I should have chosen a different title for this – if I am hoping for an international audience is it wise to have titles that are in my English?

The story is very short but I don’t like to put too many words in their simply to pad it out and increase the word count, I’ve said exactly what wants to be said here.  I guess it is not really a story, it is just the description of one brief encounter.

I describe what a brothel for elite women might be like, but in a society where only women can provide those services.  That’s how I imagine it, what do you think it could be like?

Now, whether you are gay or straight, where are the men?

Many of my stories reflect the way I think about things and I do find my brain works towards tales of the unexpected.  My starting point is often what if there were no men, or what if the majority were gay and being straight was taboo, or what if…, what if things were  just very different.

What if we read a story or a married woman, we assume she is married to a man but, of course, it could be a woman.

Amazon Prime members can read about the Ladies Pleasure Parlour for free.  In addition I expect I will be writing about it again.  This short story is actually a segment from a full length novel that I am currently writing.

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