Month: March 2022

12 soccer themed gay romance ebooks

These 12 titles by 12 different authors are available to download today as ebooks. Some are set in the world of professional football others are about amateur & semipro players.

Some of these are part of a series, notably those by CF White and by Avery Cockburn, both of which I can confidently recommend. Some are also available in print and as audiobooks.

This is certainly not a complete list of MM books set in the world of football.

I will bring you many more book details in future episodes of my 2022 #FootballFriday series.

We love to read gay romance among footballers is because it ticks so many boxes for us as romance readers: here are just a few:

  • forbidden love
  • secrets – we love reading about secrets
  • love conquering insurmountable objects
  • macho men falling in love

Now we need to talk about politics.


Are you still there?

It’s fine if you want to go off, download those books, and start reading – I don’t blame you.

It’s just, the only reason I am publishing a series of LGBT-soccer-football themed blogs this year is because the FIFA world cup will take place in Qatar at the end of this year.

Qater where homosexuality is illegal with a death sentence punishment. That isn’t a small obstacle in romantic fiction. It is real and shocking.

I still remember the disappointment, and dismay when FIFA made the decision to let Qatar host this event in such a country with such laws.


Basically, I think the world knew then and saw afterward that this big football body was run by out-of-touch dinosaurs and riddled with corruption.

Don’t need to go over all that…. The details of 2015 FIFA corruption are all over the web.

Football is no longer just a sport. It is a massive business and has been for years.

All I’m saying is watch FIFA.

They have kicked Russia out of the World Cup and they have put in place support around Ukrainian football – given that football isn’t going on in their country right now.

Maybe they could do more for international footballers who have contracts with Russian teams. It’s a tricky time for everyone involved in international sports. It’s all happened so fast. Things are changing on a daily basis in relation to the war.

The FIFA World Cup is the most-watched event on TV – all around the world. It is important.

What FIFA does is important.